This page is used by admins to build new GRAN Leagues
Step#1 – League Listing
Create New League in the list
Gravity Form to Input new leagues:
(This will also write to wpdatatables:15)
Create New League in List
Gravityview showing list of existing leagues
View League List
Step#2 – Add Players
Gravity Form to add players to league
Add Teams
(Gravity Form=xx)
Step#3 – Build Schedule
Gravity Form (31) to build schedule week by week based on spreadsheet
reload function
add week, date, home team / away team
Usernames instead of team names and assign ownership to home team
writes to wpdatatables
(dependant on edit form / primary key to update sql table)
Gravityview with filter to show specific league schedules with edit button
(this view will also be attached to button in league chat group)
team Standing will be attached to butoon in league chat group and read from wpdatatables
[gravityview id=”2260″ lightbox=”0″ show_only_approved=”0″ sort_field=”date_created” sort_field_2=”date_created”]