Terms & Conditions of Use

By accepting the terms of membership you agree to the following:

“I pledge to exhibit leadership at every opportunity. I will represent the game of darts in a positive manner at all times in all my darting activities, both public and private. Should I make a mistake, I will not defend it but instead take immediate action to correct my mistake without hesitation. I understand that anything less is detrimental to the game of darts.”

By accessing and using this service, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement. In addition, when using these particular services, you shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services. Any participation in this service will constitute acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the above, please do not use this service.


All memberships are Non-Transferable & Non-Refundable.

Maximum Darts is a private members club and being a sanctioned member is a privilege. The management reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual without cause. References may be required on a case by case basis.

New Membership applications and Membership renewal are subject to approval by management.

By joining the club, members automatically accept and agree to be bound by the conditions of membership. As a sanctioned member you agree to comply with all rules of the club as posted on our website and accept the penalties for violating any such rules up to and including immediate termination of membership.

Any member committing an illegal act will have their membership terminated.

Termination of membership will result in forfeiture of all membership privileges including forfeiture of any prize earnings to date and registration fees for pending activities.

You agree to abide by all the rules of the club and in particular:

  1. Notify opponents of cancellations/rescheduled matches AT LEAST TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE of the schedule match time. Failure to do so will result in a match forfeit and a $25 fine to the team for the 1st offence and expulsion from the league for a 2nd offence. This may also result in termination of membership and all future privileges.
  2. Always perform to the best of your abilities. Intentionally under-performing or missing to gain an advantage or allow other teams to win is considered “Sandbagging” and will be subject to termination of membership permanently.
  3. Never throw even a single dart under another players name regardless of the situation, even if it means that player will miss their turn. Accidental throws will be corrected using the “unthrow” feature of the board.
  4. Intentional delay of game will result in termination of membership. This includes but is not limited to pausing a game in progress or deliberately allowing the clock to run out on your turn.

(see full rules on our website)


Members accept and agree to abide by the Member’s Code of Conduct. Violations of this Code are deemed “Actions Detrimental to the Game” and cause for penalty. Penalties are assessed by management at any time following an incident.

Access to all privileges associated with Maximum Darts sanctioning is at stake and may be lost to the player without player recourse whatsoever.

Code of Conduct:

  1. Members shall exhibit high ethical standards at all times when engaged in any darts related activity and treat other members and staff with the utmost respect in all communications, both written and verbal.
  2. Members are required to exhibit leadership and good sportsmanship at all times, assist others whenever possible and share information about darts without animosity, complaint or sarcasm.
  3. Confrontational behavior (physical or verbal), insulting, demeaning, rude or arrogant comments are never acceptable. Accusations of cheating or other negative behaviours are NOT acceptable in a public forum. Concerns about other members MUST be raised with the league staff who will take actions deemed appropriate by management.
  4. All persons involved in any darting activity and interaction are to be treated with utmost respect at all times.
  5. Intentionally distracting a player during their turn is unacceptable. This includes speaking a player’s name while they are throwing.
  6. Loss of emotional control is not an excuse for any misbehavior.


By using this site you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following terms you should not access and/or use our website

The Site and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by Maximum Darts Inc. and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.

This site and its components are offered for informational purposes only; this site shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via the site, and shall not be responsible or liable for any error or omissions in that information.

You agree that we reserve the right to change these, or any, terms and conditions, content and/or declarations without prior notification, and changes made come into immediate effect upon being presented here. When such changes are made, you may revoke your agreement by engaging with our company online using this or any website, or continue to accept such changes.

Our company will not be liable for any damages, including consequential damages, or any damages arising from the loss of use, interruption of trade, financial loss or damages, whether in contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising from or in connection with the use of our website or for the failure and/or actions of third parties.


“Actions Detrimental to the Game” are cause for penalty. Penalties are assessed by management at any time following an incident. Access to all privileges associated with Maximum Darts sanctioning is at stake and may be lost to the player without player recourse whatsoever.

Penalties may include any or all of the following at management’s discretion:

  1. Termination of membership and all associated privileges
  2. Barring from sanctioned leagues and/or tournaments including activities hosted by 3rd parties associated with Maximum Darts
  3. Reduction in Standings and/or Ranking point deductions;
  4. Blocking from Maximum Darts social media groups;
  5. Loss of prize monies earned to date including entry fees paid for pending activities.


You may, at your own discretion and expense, obtain personal insurance for loss, injury or damage that you might sustain arising from use of the club. You participate at your own discretion and accept any injury or illness brought on by participation is your own responsibility.

Our company will not be liable for any damages, including consequential damages, or any damages arising from the loss of use, interruption of trade, financial loss or damages, whether in contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising from or in connection with the use of our services or for the failure and/or actions of third parties.