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Enhanced League Registration Form

Signing up for leagues just got easier!!

The new league registration form now retrieves player information from the database, making signups a breeze.
The captain who is registering the teams must have a member profile and be logged in. This is the key to making all the magic work.

You can also connect your Facebook account to your member profile so you don’t have to remember another password 🙂

You can login with:
Your username / password combination for the community
Your email can be used in place of your username if you forgot it
Your password can be reset

You can login or register a new account at:


Here are some highlights of the enhancements:
Players names are in a pulldown list – no typing required for known players
Automatically retrieves best known averages for known players
New players can also be entered. You will need their vital information such as phone, email, MPR
System calculates team rating to show you if you fit under the cap
Checks your member profile for completeness and will email you if something is missing, such as PayPal info

There are also other new background automation’s for the admins too!

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WOW!!  What a weekend!
The 1st EVER Canadian National Soft Tip Darts Championship is in the history books. There will NEVER be another first and if you were part of it, you are now part of history also.

Every skill level of player had the opportunity to earn a National Title and we crowned 8 Singles Champions and 12 Doubles Champions.

The total payouts for the weekend were $16,420 with $7,000 added to the Singles event and $2,500 added to the Doubles along with unique trophies to the winners 🙂

The BIG winner of the weekend was the first-ever Flyweight National Champion, Dominik Banom, who took home a whopping $4,250 prize. Dominik has been a constant league player and a regular at our MAD MAX tournaments.
Dominik’s high level of participation earned him the GOLD DIAMOND status and his win in the Singles saw him victorious as the highest-finishing Gold Diamond and the $4,000 Bonus money all to himself.

Here’s the full list of results with buttons to the detailed stats for each player:

Maximum Darts Canadian National Championship
Total payouts $16,420
Flighted Singles – $3800 + $7,000 added prize money
Flighted Doubles – $3120 + $2,500 added prize money

Bonus Winners:

Dominik Banom – Level 8 – Flyweight – Mississauga, ON

Catherine Haycock / Eric Banks – Level 6 – Flyweight – Mississauga, ON

Oswin Correira – Level 3 – Light Heavyweight Class – Mississauga, ON

Tyler Rettie – Level 1 – Heavyweight – Mississauga, ON
Daniel Dezoete – Level 1 – Heavyweight – Mississauga, ON
James Blais – Level 2 – Light Heavyweight – QuĂ©bec, QC
Rob Bowman – Level 3 – Middleweight – Mississauga, ON
Don Grisbrook – Level 3 – Middleweight – Mississauga, ON
Danna Foster – Level 4 – Lightweight – Sussex, NB
Marc Vezina – Level 5 – Featherweight – QuĂ©bec, QC
Warren Pike – Level 5 – Featherweight – QuĂ©bec, QC

Jeff Smith – Level 1 – Super Heavyweight – Sussex, NB
Cory Tkach – Level 2 – Heavyweight – Winnipeg, ON
Jonathan Tilly – Level 4 – Super Middleweight – Barrie, ON
Colin Tkach – Level 5 – Middleweight – Winnipeg, ON
Pierre Roberge – Level 6 – Lightweight – QuĂ©bec, QC
Serge Fournier – Level 7 – Featherweight – QuĂ©bec, QC

Jason Roberge – Level 2 – Light Heavyweight – QuĂ©bec, QC
Rachel Smith – Level 4 – Lightweight – Sussex, NB


Level 1 – Super Heavyweight

Level 2 – Heavyweight

Level 3 – Light Heavyweight

Level 4 – Super Middleweight

Level 5 – Middleweight

Level 6 – Lightweight

Level 7 – Featherweight

Level 8 – Flyweight


Level 1 – Heavyweight

Level 2 – Light Heavyweight

Level 3 – Middleweight

Level 4 – Lightweight

Level 6 – Flyweight

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May 2021
As the Covid pandemic continues all Bullshooter leagues are still on hold. We are continuing our league program on the Gran home board at this time.

Stay Safe, Stay healthy!

March 18, 2020
Due to the current health crisis all league and tournament activities are suspended.

This will alleviate the concern about arranging matches so you can focus on your family and personal health and safety.

We don’t have a specific date when activities will resume. We will inform everyone as things get back to normal.

Please stay safe & healthy. Our thoughts are with you during these difficult times.

March 16, 2020
We are aware of the following location closures:
ALL bars in Quebec
RAMA locations in Ontario
Uncle G’s in Sussex NB

March 15, 2020
All bars in Quebec will be closed until at least March 30, 2020 as per provincial guidelines to combat COVID-19. All matches with Quebec teams are postponed.

At this time, our initial policy from March 14, 2020 remains the same for other Provinces.

Local situations and guidelines are constantly changing. For this reason, we are recommending that players use their best judgement based on local knowledge.

You should assume that any scheduled match is cancelled unless attendance is confirmed by your opponents. The “No-Show” rule is temporarily suspended during this time.

We will continue to monitor the situation and update accordingly.

March 14, 2020
Maximum Darts is monitoring developments in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to create a safe experience for our players and to continue delivering quality service to you.

A “one-size-fits-all” approach may not be possible or practical since our leagues and tournaments are remotely played in various cities across the country.

First and foremost, players are expected to exercise their own best judgement in regard to staying safe and healthy.

We are not medical professionals. Please refer to applicable health authority guidance for you local area.

This post is not intended to cover every possible scenario. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Postponing and rescheduling matches is recommended when YOU feel that is the most appropriate action to take to prevent exposure or spreading of disease.
Extra weeks may be added to the schedule to accommodate or other measures in the best interest of the leagues.
You may disinfect the dartboards and/or buttons using sanitizing wipes. DO NOT apply any liquid or sprays on the dartboards to avoid damaging the electronics.
Cancellations will be assessed as needed.

We also have processes in place with a focus on ensuring the safety of our employees and the continuity of service to our customers.

These precautionary measures and business contingency plans are in place so that we can continue delivering the service you expect from us. Please be assured that Maximum Darts is doing our best during these unprecedented and challenging times.

We will continue to assess the situation and will provide further information as matters progress.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy

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2020 – Looking Forward and Back

Happy New Year!!

2020 is sure to be an exciting year for everyone playing Maximum Darts and this is a good time to reflect back on 2019.

Maximum Darts started with the dream of offering something very different for Canadian Dart players -> Excellent competition and great prize money for every skill level.

Bullshooter electronic dart boards are the perfect vehicle to connect players across this vast country and it is working better than we could have hoped for.

Of course, a dartboard is just a dartboard without a great league & tournament system behind it and the Maximum Darts team is committed to delivering that.

2019 was the year where everything really took off and we connected all the Canadian Bullshooter operators into the Canadian National Dart League and saw steady player growth and a whopping $101,000+ in payouts.

Here’s a list of the highlights:

Canadian National Dart League – expanded to include Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland & Labrador

First ever soft tip Canadian National Championship  – highest paying darting event in Canada, steel or soft at over $16,000 for one weekend of darts. We crowned We crowned 8 Singles Champions in their own skill level plus 6 Doubles Champions all ranging from Super Heavyweight to Flyweight.

Became a chartered member of the American National Dart Association – opening the door for all Canadians to attend the massive NDA Team Dart event in Las Vegas

Joined forces with Arachnid / Bullshooter as our sponsor of the Canadian Nationals Dart League – Adding more bonus pools to the Monthly MAD MAX tournaments and support to Maximum Darts

Secured sponsorship from 7 other sponsors – Trinidad/Condor, Assured Collision Repair, Rama Gaming, Amsterdam Brewery, IGT, Mixto Communications, and Scientific Games

Membership referral contest – two lucky players Les VanDeuzen and Bryan D’Sa won their way to the Laughlin Dessert Classic in Nevada, USA. A total of 8 Maximum Darts players attended and had a fantastic time
Many, many enhancements to the National system benefiting all players

System enhancements:

XP points awarded for Mad Max monthly tournaments

Higher monthly Mad Max payouts

Tighter control on league and tournament handicaps

Regularly updated league schedules showing matches played

Better management of board inventory

Notifications to National partners and locations for team registrations

Enhanced leaderboard system

Improvements to tournament calendar and results

Rigourous tracking of tournament best knowns and league best knowns

NDA monthly doubles tournaments

Coming up in 2020:

Mad Max doubles events

Membership contest for trips to Laughlin, Nevada

Battle of the Clans – Inter Provincial competition

Registration for NDA Team Dart in Las Vegas

Canadian Nationals in September

Singles Leagues – TENTATIVE

Stay tuned…we have a few more in the queue but we only promise what we know we can deliver 🙂

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New Ontario Location – Spot One Grill in Brampton

Spot One Brampton

WOOHOO!!! Brampton is back online!!

We are so happy to announce we are back in Brampton at Spot One Grill, 289 Rutherford Rd S.

It’s safe to say that pretty much every Brampton player knows this location. It has been a hub for steel tip darts for a very long time and now home to soft tip with Maximum Darts.

The 3 boards in the bar are available pretty much anytime and their massive banquet hall will become our hub for blind draws and tournaments. We have one board in there now for overflow and can install more if needed.

Players now have a location only 15 minutes away from RAMA so now they will be able to jump on the league chat groups and start scheduling matches. I will do my best to monitor the chats and watch for capacity issues. Scheduling conflicts may happen from time to time but we can all work through those 🙂

We have been talking to bars in other cities as well. Guelph is the next one to come online, and Barrie, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Oakville, Georgetown, Richmond Hill, Markham, Woodstock, & London are all on the radar.